Photos of Ankgor Wat and the surrounding area
Angkor Wat is the largest religious complex in the world. There are many old cities and temples in the area that were built by a variety of kings from 900-1200. Some were Hindu and some were Buddhist. Stories and legends are carved into sandstone applied to the buildings. It is a spectacular place.
Day 1 Angkor Wat Sunrise
- Sunrise
- The sun rising over the tower
Nita arrived with Sophoan at 4:45 am to ride with us to see the sunrise at Angkor Wat. We travelled about 15 minutes out of the city to a large hotel where we had to have our picture taken and our tickets paid for. A three day pass cost $62. The company that manages all of the Angkor Wat temples is Korean. They set the prices and the money goes to Korea, not to Cambodia. Considering the one-party system still in effect, however, I question how effectively they would manage and protect this World Heritage Site.
We arrived at the site about 5:15. Sunrise wasn’t until 6:30 but there were already people waiting about 3 deep next to the reflective moat. Fortunately I had my tripod and was able to set it above the heads of most of the others. It was worth the early morning to see the sunlight poke through the blocks on the central tower.
Outside of the Temple
Inside Galleries Filled with Hindu Legends
- Apsaras drawn but not completed
- Apsara-Hindu spirits of
- Some images were painted
- Story gallery with guide
- Churning of the Sea of Milk
- Gallery with arches
Day 2 pictures are ready.
- improved selfie
- Angkor Wat at sunrise
- Monk at sunset
Day 2 photos
Preah Ko
- Inscription in doorway.
- Steep, high steps looking down
Kompong Phluk- stilted village
These houses have water up to the second level from the top during the rainy season when the Mekong River backs up into Tonle Sap. The people fish in the river and the lake. In the dry season the villagers plant crops in the flat areas. I admired all the flowers blooming on the upper levels. The trees that support these homes are enormous.
They take people for tours. We heard of lots of scams from people who had been to this village. Our tuk tuk driver @Pich Sophoan Tuktuk Driver Private Tour came with us in the boat and we didn’t experience any issues. The trip cost us $25 each to travel through the village and out to a floating restaurant where we could have paid another $5 to travel through the mangrove trees. The small boats didn’t look very stable to me, but we saw a group of Korean visitors leave and come back safe and sound.
Small Boats
The women paddling the boats wore such beautiful hats and bright colors. Their smiles light up their faces.
Other interesting faces.
This woman showed me how she made fishing nets. She hooked the string around her toe to hold it while she threaded the netting onto it. She worked quickly and let me take her picture.