Blog interlude-A puzzle until we finish a road trip
December 4, 2016
Peter and I are travelling the Mae Song Hon loop in northern Thailand. We rented a car and went off to explore a rural and mountainous area. There is lots to see and share when we return. In the meantime, I offer you a few pictures. Except for those of you I have already told, send me your comments about what you think these items are from the local market.

An easy one. Market food for about 70 cents. Includes the stick to eat with.
These pictures go together. Why did I buy these?
Stay tuned for our adventure on the Mae Song Hon Loop. 1864 curves, waterfalls, hot springs, elephants and things we haven’t even seen yet.
Buy the stick things to feed elephants?
All caught up! Thanks for sharing. Funny thing I was scrolling through my instagram feed just before reading this and read about a family wandering through a street market. They bought pineapple that was served on a stick. Never heard of it before then you shared a picture of fruit being served with a stick too. Interesting!